Orthodontist Treatment Aftercare and Maintenance

Orthodontist Treatment Aftercare and Maintenance from FitSmiles Orthodontics in Tustin, CAWondering what an orthodontist recommends after teeth-straightening treatment is complete? Read on to learn about the importance of orthodontic treatment aftercare. The aftercare process of orthodontic treatment is just as important as the treatment itself because teeth have a tendency to shift back into their original position if allowed to do so.

What an orthodontist recommends after orthodontic treatment is complete

The good news is protecting your smile after orthodontic treatment is relatively easy as long as you are willing to remain consistent with the aftercare and maintenance plan. The following is a guide of how you can protect your orthodontic treatment results through good oral hygiene, wearing a retainer regularly, and regular check-up and cleaning visits.

Oral hygiene practices

Good oral hygiene is essential not just for the alignment of teeth but also for good oral health in general. Patients should have an oral care routine that they consistently follow, which should include brushing and flossing daily, making smart choices about the foods and drinks they consume, and reducing the risk of dental trauma.

Wearing your retainer

The most important step to maintaining the alignment of teeth and the jaw after orthodontic treatment is wearing the retainer as directed. For the first several months (up to a year in many cases), patients are asked to wear their retainer all day. This allows teeth to remain in their new position until the jawbone hardens around it and secures the position long-term. After this initial period of time, patients are only required to wear their retainer at night while they sleep.

Check-up and cleaning visits

After orthodontist treatment, patients are asked to come in for a check-up and cleaning once every four to six months. This keeps the teeth healthy and allows the dental professional to check on the alignment and ensure there are no concerns such as teeth shifting back to their original position.

Cosmetic treatment options

Many patients elect for additional cosmetic treatment after orthodontic treatment. For example, professional, in-office teeth whitening is a great way to brighten a patient’s newly aligned smile after braces or clear aligners. For those who are interested in additional cosmetic solutions, it can be helpful to talk to a dental professional about available treatment options.

Reduce the risk of dental trauma

Treatment from an orthodontist repositions natural teeth for a more attractive and ideal alignment. It is important to prevent teeth from being knocked loose or out of the mouth by wearing a mouthguard when a blow to the face is possible (e.g., contact sports). For patients with bruxism, it is important to wear a night guard while sleeping.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Orthodontist in Tustin, CA

Are you interested in corrective treatment from an orthodontist?

If your teeth or jaw are misaligned and you want to find out more about your orthodontic treatment options, then contact our dental office to schedule an appointment. Our office also takes pride in helping patients through the retainer and aftercare process after orthodontic treatment is complete.

Request an appointment or call FitSmiles Orthodontics at 714-782-0217 for an appointment in our Tustin office.

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