Which Teeth Straightening Option is Right for You?

Having crooked teeth can be problematic on so many levels, but thankfully there are a variety of teeth straightening options for you. Food often gets stuck in between crooked teeth, and they aren’t the greatest confidence booster either. 

In this article, we discuss some of the teeth straightening options that exist. Being aware of all of the different options that exist can be helpful for someone who is considering straightening their teeth. While some options may not be suited for everyone, it still can be beneficial to know what options are available.

Find out more below!

Teeth straightening options

Traditional braces

One of the most common ways to straighten the teeth is through the use of traditional braces. This teeth straightening method has been around for ages and with good reasons: They are affordable and straighten the teeth over time.

Traditional braces involve metal wires and brackets that shift each individual tooth over time. The teeth can be straightened through the use of traditional braces but over and underbites can also be corrected using this option.

Ceramic braces

Another popular tooth straightening option is ceramic braces. These have emerged as a great way to straighten the teeth without having to hold a mouth full of metal. Ceramic braces are very similar to traditional metal braces but they don’t use metal. Instead, they are made of ceramic materials, hence the name.

Ceramic braces tend to be easier on the mouth because there isn’t a bunch of metal involved. But ceramic braces still act the same as traditional ones, with brackets and wires. This option for straightening the teeth is also advantageous because the brackets and wires are white or tooth-colored so they aren’t as visible.


A rather new option for teeth straightening is aligners. Aligners are typically offered in clear, which makes them more appealing because they are next to discreet.

This teeth straightening option offers one dental appliance for either the top set of teeth, the bottom or both. Unlike braces, aligners shift the teeth altogether at the same time which can be seen as advantageous.

Wearing aligners has been said to be more appealing because they are almost always removable. However, the patient has complete control of their straightening process which can be both good or bad. It’s important that aligners are worn as often as possible so that they can work their magic. These often require you to wear them for at least 22 hours every day.

Reach out to us today

Straightening your teeth can be helpful for many reasons, including both aesthetic and oral health purposes. With all of the options that exist today, there's no reason not to have your teeth straightened out.

If you have questions then reach out to our office so that we can help you. Let our trained professionals guide you through your teeth straightening options. It’s important to consult with a professional who can help you determine what method of treatment is best. Give us a call or stop by today!

Request an appointment here: https://fitsmilesortho.com or call FitSmiles Orthodontics at (714) 782-0217 for an appointment in our Tustin office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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