Are You Considering Ceramic Braces?

ceramic braces Tustin, CA

Ceramic braces are a fantastic way to straighten the misalignment of teeth without making the fact that you are wearing braces blatantly obvious. Ceramic braces, which in essence serve the same role as traditional braces, are designed to be the same color as teeth to hide the brackets from being visible.

While ceramic braces most certainly have their benefits, which we will discuss in depth, they also have a downside. With that said, knowing what to expect before deciding upon ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, will give you the ability to prepare for any difficulties that you face along your journey to straighter teeth.

The Pros of Ceramic Braces

For many adults, ceramic braces are a fantastic way to straighten misaligned teeth in a way that allows them to remain confident in social situations. For children, ceramic braces are just fun to have; the clear design is very aesthetically pleasing.

Here are the two main benefits of ceramic braces.

Blend in Well With Teeth

First and foremost, ceramic braces blend in well with teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, in which it is blatantly apparent that the person is wearing braces, ceramic braces are much less noticeable, and it isn’t uncommon to have a conversation with someone without them even noticing.

For adults, and to lesser degree teenagers, that are afraid of the social consequences of wearing braces at an older age, ceramic braces allow them to straighten their teeth while maintaining their self-esteem at the same time.

Produce Faster Results

Not only are ceramic braces much more aesthetically pleasing, but they typically work faster. Compared to metal braces, ceramic braces are much quicker at straightening teeth. Therefore, anyone who is wanting the fastest possible method to straighten their misaligned teeth, ceramic braces may be the way to go.

While Invisalign® typically works fast as well, ceramic braces work on teeth that have a severe misalignment, which is something Invisalign, also known as clear aligners, isn’t able to do.

The Cons of Ceramic Braces

Just like every other type of braces or aligners, ceramic braces have their pros as well as their cons. Drawbacks can be adequately planned for and anticipated, and to a degree, prevented from hindering the experience of straightening teeth.

Stain Easier

The most notable drawback of ceramic braces is that they do tend to stain much easier than metal braces.

When individuals who wear ceramic braces neglect to brush their teeth on a regular basis and consume foods, drugs, and drinks that can stain, the brackets will become far less clear. By flossing several times each day and brushing often, however, those who wear ceramic braces can prevent stains from occurring.

Typically Cost More

Just like with anything, quality comes at a cost. Although there isn’t a significant difference, ceramic braces do tend to cost more than clear aligners and metal braces. If the price is less of a concern and quality and aesthetic appeal is more of a priority, then ceramic braces are indeed a fantastic option to choose.

We are ready to help your weight the Pros and Cons of ceramic braces!

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